
Introducing the Bambili Energy Fuel Cell System

Our system takes hydrogen fuel sources and produces clean energy. This is the future of scalable power generation.

Highly efficient, low-emission, fuel cell solutions

The fuel cell system incorporates a fuel cell stack and a reformer enclosed in an outdoor cabinet with auxiliaries, such as fuel tank and power distribution. It uses hydrogen as its fuel source.

The embedded charge controller enables regulated DC power for most applications and battery storage types. The fuel cell system features catalytic start-up, enabling fast start-up and minimum power consumption in standby and during the start-up process.

The system uses hydrogen as its fuel source. It can also use a safe and economical methanol-water blend as feedstock. This enables high power density and fuel energy density, which results in a highly energy efficient system, due to reuse of waste heat from fuel cell in the reformation process. Methanol is converted to hydrogen by the reformer unit.

The Bambili Energy fuel cell system ranges from 5 kW up to grid-scale installations.

Did you know?

The fuel cell system has multiple applications both off-grid or on-grid including critical backup power, supplemental power or continuous power. The rugged outdoor cabinet design is suitable for transport to remote sites and deployment under tough climatic conditions.

High Efficiency

Hydrogen used in fuel cells is highly efficient compared to internal combustion engines (diesel and petrol generators).


Complete combustion of hydrogen produces significantly less greenhouse gases and other toxic chemicals than fossil fuels.

Low Production Costs

Hydrogen and methanol are cheap to produce and can be made from a large range of accessible feedstock such as biomass, fossil fuels, natural gas and recycled carbon dioxide, which make production less affected by price fluctuations.
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